NICE, the Quango that is responsible for deciding what is, and is not, delivered by the NHS, has decided in its wisdom that caesarean section should be an automatic 'right' for pregnant women.
Notwithstanding that any surgery is inherently dangerous, females, human and of all other mammalian species, have been successfully delivering their offspring for millions of years without needing to resort to this extreme measure. Until now, caesarean section has been a surgical procedure used as a last resort when normal delivery has proved too dangerous for mother, baby or both. Now it seems that caesarean section is to become a mere lifestyle choice for women who can't be bothered to go through with a normal pregnancy; how long will it be before surrogacy also becomes such an option ?
One wonders if the bright sparks at NICE who came up with this guidance have really understood what pregnancy is all about. Pregnancy and childbirth are biological processes designed to ensure that the mother and child are bonded to each other; by removing the element of normal childbirth, they run the risk of greatly reducing the strength of that bond and thus of producing many more children whose parents care little for them. Such decisions move us ever-closer to the day in which children are simply designed and manufactured in a laboratory, far distant from their biological parents. These children will be raised by the state, placed in their allocated position in society and disposed of when no longer useful.
Fanciful thinking this may be, but once we embarked on the current road of putting parental and state convenience above normal human responsibility, we inevitably and inexorably set out along such a path.
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