Am I the only person to be wholly fed up with, and frightened by, the jingoistic crap that comes out of the USA ? While professing every virtue under the sun, this 'Country of the Free' still tolerates appalling treatment of its ethnic minorities and denies even basic human rights to a large part of its population.
The USA is founded on violence and exploitation. Immigrants from Europe wiped out most of the indigenous population and Hollywood subsequently invented the calumny that it was the 'Red Indians' who terrified the newcomers with their barbarity; in truth, actions such as scalping were at least as common from the white men as from the Indians and it was the indigenous population that was almost exterminated. If this wasn't genocide one has to wonder what it was.
The USA is a young country with very little history of its own. It is desperate to prove that it is more than a modern invention and will go to any lengths to prove it. It happily buries the less acceptable elements of its past and is more than happy to distort history, and even steal the history of others, in its attempts to bolster its own ego. It rewrites history daily and, through the universal media of films, television and the internet, plus the miserable compliance of Governments such as our own which give the teaching of history no priority in our schools, it spreads a message that everything of value came from them and that they have been the perennial providers of freedom and justice. The USA has continued to use Hollywood as a means of spreading false historical messages around the world with examples such as their hijacking of the invention of the 'Enigma' machine not very long ago.
The US is dominated by money and powerful 'interest groups'. It's government is wholly subservient to its Jewish lobby and daren't criticise the government of Israel, regardless of what they do. However, the USA supported the Shah of Iran until he became unsupportable and has supported Hosny Mubarak for many years in similar fashion. It supports any dictator, however repulsive, if that dictator serves the political interests of the USA and it withdraws its support as soon as that situation changes.
Essentially, the USA is an amoral state totally dominated by its own political self-interest. The most worrying part of this analysis is that the USA is soon to be seriously challenged by China in its position as the world's number 1 economy. The Chinese already own a huge part of the US economy through their purchase of vast amounts of US government debt and this is simply a first salvo in the inevitable economic war that is to come. The real problem is that the US may well see this as an attack on their national pride and will turn an economic war into a real one; it wouldn't be the first time in history that trade has led to outright military conflict. The problem today is that both the US and China have nuclear weapons by the score and, while the Chinese have more long-term sense, the US government just might hit the button at some time in the not to distant future.
I don't claim that this is an authoritative analysis but it is one I will stand by; only time will tell what, if any, of it turns out to be true. I trust I will be long gone by the then.