Thursday 6 January 2011


Professor Brian Cox has provided another fascinating series of programmes, this time looking at the stars and planets in a very interactive way. Dara O'Brian was a rather surprising support, demonstrating an unexpected ability to talk intelligently and lucidly about complex issues while Cox was, as always, very easy to listen to and very informative. Why we needed a woman in Hawaii, however, is anyone's guess. Liz Bonnin's phoney expressions of wonderment at every opportunity were an annoyance, her interviews mostly puerile and her 'catch phrases', such as the aggravating 'excellent' used throughout the first programme, presumably aimed at an audience of under 10s. 

But the biggest mystery is why on earth was it thought necessary to involve Jonathan Ross. He had nothing to contribute except for a few childish remarks and his appearances were simply a distraction from the real subject matter. To trivialise a serious science subject in this way does the BBC no credit at all.

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