Dominic Cummings may well be a very clever man but he's also showing serious signs of being an obsessive psychopath.
It seems quite clear that, ever since his dismissal from his role as Boris Johnson's principal advisor, he's been working on a plan to gain revenge on his former boss. Completely ignoring his own highly questionable trip from London to Durham and Barnard's Castle during 'lockdown', he's spent the last 14 months accruing whatever dirt he can find to use against the Prime Minister in his crazed effort to have him removed from office. Even today, he's issued what he's described as a 'warning' that there are more damaging revelations to come and they'll continue to be drip fed to the media until Boris is ousted - if that's not a vendetta and action of a man with severe psychological, or even psychiatric, problems, I don't know what is. If there is so much more to come out, why not let it see the light of day now ? The only answers are either that doing so would not suit Cummings' purpose or that there are no such revelations and that this is merely rhetoric designed to create an atmosphere of fear and ramp up the pressure on the Prime Minister.
Cummings has also refused to be interviewed in person by Sue Gray, the civil servant conducting the review into the 'Partygate' allegations against the Prime Minister and others. While Ms Gray has interviewed other witnesses, apparently including the Prime Minister himself, Cummings has agreed only to provide written responses to specific questions, claiming that this is to protect both himself and Ms Gray from lies and distortions which the Prime Minister would otherwise invent. How this actually makes sense is beyond me. What avoiding a face to face interview actually achieves is the avoidance of any deeper questioning that such an event might allow, the avoidance of being asked tangential questions and the potential exposure of Cummings own failings and motivations. It also speaks volumes about the paranoia from which Cummings appears to be suffering.
Dominic Cummings is giving every impression of a man who is paranoid, bitter and twisted. He hates Boris Johnson and will do anything he can to destroy him. Everything he does and says should be seen in this light.