It seems that, in Britain, we have something called a 'Childrens' Commissioner'. The first question that springs to mind is 'Why ?', swiftly followed by others such as 'What do they do ?' and What ?!'
The post is filled by someone named Maggie Atkinson and she appears to be an idiot. It's reported today that she believes that schoolchildren should have a say in the appointment of teachers in their schools, this imbecilic notion being based on a survey of 2,000 children, aged 9 - 16, conducted by her organisation. Apparently, ⅔ of those surveyed said they would like a role in the recruiting process, but only 18% had actually been involved in choosing a teacher. Unsurprisingly, the NASUWT has been pretty quick off the mark in condemning this idea.
One has to wonder what is going on when someone in a position of considerable influence and, no doubt, receiving a big salary from the State, can come up with such a ridiculous proposal. Obviously, some schools have already adopted this idea but for heaven's sake WHY ? Of course lots of the children would 'like a say', but then that's the same as asking the turkey whether he wants to live with the family of vegetarians or the carnivores. You can't always have what you'd like.
Letting children have in say in the appointment of their teachers is akin to allowing criminals to appoint judges, prisoners to choose their warders, patients to appoint doctors and so on. It is lunacy. Children know nothing of the qualities needed to be a successful teacher, which include being able to deal with a bunch of rowdy and ill-disciplined brats. Allowing the brats to decide who will stand in front of them is a recipe for disaster; teachers will be chosen on the basis of their 'social acceptability' to the children. Are they young and trendy, or old and unfashionable ? Do they like the latest music, are they 'in to' Facebook, which football team do they support etc., etc. Children have to be taught to understand that they do not have power and authority over those around them, not the opposite. As they get older, by all means expose them to more of the adult world and the responsibilities that exist in it, but never endow them with the power to influence who is to teach them.
The whole rationale behind teaching is that the youngsters should be exposed to educational experiences that encourage them to develop an interest in the world atround them while gaining the skills and knowledge to live, unaided, in that world. Giving them a say in the appointment of their teachers flies in the face of this philosphy as it, effectively, allows them to create a world in which only like-minded individuals exist, and by 'like-minded' I mean those with the minds of children. If this is the type of approach already being adopted in some of our schools and which is being championed by Ms Atkinson, is it any wonder that our children are being so poorly educated ?
Teenagers of my acquaintance have so little knowledge of the world, or interest in it, that I despair for the future. Today's children appear to have no hobbies, they rarely read books, and they have no knowledge of history or geography. They cannot relate facts together as the methods of teaching are so insular, being directed very specifically at the next examination and nothing else. No doubt, many children can be trotted out to prove that I am wrong, but there's always good and bad; the powers-that-be will choose to parade the success stories, while, perhaps, I have only seen the other side. Maybe, but I'd bet the children of my generation, en masse, to beat the children of the current generation at just about any intellectual challenge anyone cares to name. What about a bit of mental arithmetic, or English grammar ? Who can name a few Kings and Queens and get them in the right order ? Can you find Spain on a map, or China, or Thailand ?
Whoever Ms Atkinson is, and whatever her qualifications for her job, she is an unnecessary person in a non-job. Get rid of her, her organisation and these lunatic ideas, or heaven help us; the lunatics really will have taken over the asylum.